
Next webinar Mar. 26: Novel high oleic acid seed oil trait

Talks (1 to 2 p.m. Eastern every other Wednesday via Zoom) will feature experts exploring diverse topics, including hemp cultivation, processing, and genetics. Viewers will have the opportunity to connect with leaders in the hemp research community and learn about recent developments in the industry. 

March 26 talk:

  • Novel high oleic acid seed oil trait – Ian Graham, University of York

The 2025 line-up (subject to change):

  • January 29: IND Hemp, founding and mission – Morgan Tweet, IND HEMP
  • February 12: Pathogens affecting hemp cultivation – Nicole Gauthier, University of Kentucky
  • February 26: Hemp products as food ingredients – Chadwick White, Nepra Foods, Ltd.
  • March 12: Screening of seed-related traits in wide germplasm – Tyler Gordon, USDA-ARS
  • March 26: Novel high oleic acid seed oil trait – Ian Graham, University of York
  • April 9: Hemp seed meal as a feed ingredient in animal diets – Nathalie Trottier, Cornell University
  • April 23: Best agronomic practices – Bob Pearce, University of Kentucky
  • May 7: Hemp products as food ingredients – Kendra Meier, HPS Food & Ingredients

Free. Registration required.  More information.

Production manual available online

production manual coverNow available en español: Estado de Nueva York Cannabis sativa L. Manual de Producción

The New York State Cannabis sativa L. Production Manual provides growers and members of the Cannabis industry with research-based information on sustainable hemp cultivation to achieve a high-quality, profitable, and compliant yields.

Manual sections include an introduction to Cannabis sativa cultivation and cultivation for fiber, grain and cannabinoids, important lab techniques and hemp regulations.

Read more | Download manual

New guidebook from Harvest New York

guidebook coverThe NYS Cannabis sativa L Guidebook is an essential resource for cultivators in New York State, offering comprehensive guidelines on regulatory compliance and best practices in cultivation. It provides instructions on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure product quality and safety.

The guidebook also includes Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, featuring preventative measures, recommended products, and reactive protocols to manage pest issues effectively. To assist with diligent record-keeping, the guidebook offers product tracking sheets, IPM scouting logs, and forms for tracking product applications, helping cultivators streamline their tasks and maintain compliance.

This guidebook not only provides actionable guidelines but also facilitates data collection in this newly established industry. By using the included forms and logs, cultivators can contribute valuable data to help improve industry standards and practices.

Webinar videos available online

In case you missed it, all eight talks from our Spring 2024 Hemp Webinar series are available online.  Topics range from supply chains and processing to agronomics and weed management to genetic diversity and feral hemp.  Visit our 2024 hemp webinar video playlist

Our Purpose-Driven Hemp Research

hemp researchers performing height and stand count procedures

Hemp is a promising crop. New markets for hemp have opened up after a recent wave of legislation. By growing, selling, and processing hemp, New York could revitalize its economy. Products from hemp include fiber for textiles and insulation, healthy hemp seed oil, animal bedding, and novel medicinal products. To realize its potential, research and extension are needed to ensure optimal crop productivity and quality.

As New York’s Land Grant University, Cornell CALS’s School of Integrative Plant Science has assembled an interdisciplinary team of researchers and extension specialists to study how the state can move forward in developing its hemp industry.

Our team will:

  • Identify the best commercially available hemp varieties to grow in New York conditions, and develop new cultivars that will thrive in New York.
  • Identify the best growing practices for hemp in New York, including seeding rates, best soil types, fertilizer rates, weed management, and the optimal time to harvest.
  • Identify possible barriers to this industry’s development, including seed issues, diseases, and insect pests, and will provide science-based solutions to these barriers.
  • Analyze and provide information on markets and end-product value.
  • Produce fact sheets, grower manuals, and internet resources.

We have designed this website to serve the public good by sharing what our team learns about New York hemp production. Click the image below to watch a video about our purpose-driven hemp research:

