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On this page, we have compiled a list of playlists, videos, and webinars. See our Industrial Hemp playlist for all videos.
- Hemp Breeding at Cornell University (Virtual Tour)
- Industrial Hemp Research at Cornell University
- Establishing a Long-term Breeding Program for Hemp
- Planting the Seeds for Industrial Hemp in NYS
Cornell Hemp Field Day playlists:
- 2017 Cornell Hemp Field Day
- 2018 Cornell Hemp Field Day
- 2019 Cornell Hemp Field Day
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day
- 2021 Cornell Hemp Field Day
- 2022 Cornell Hemp Field Day
- 2023 Cornell Hemp Field Day
Cornell Hemp Webinar Series playlists:
Empire State Producers Expo:
High-Cannabinoid Hemp Production
- Grow Dome hemp production
- Hemp remote imaging
- Diploid and triploid hemp varieties
- Hemp high tunnel trials
- Heather Darby: Hemp from field to flower: Overcoming production challenges in hemp
- Mark Bridgen: Propagation of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
- Jacob Toth: Accumulation of Cannabinoids under Various Stresses in High-CBD Hemp
Fiber and Grain Hemp Production
- Industrial hemp planting
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Hemp Grain and Fiber Trials Update
- Hemp grain and fiber trials
- Hemp fiber cutting, raking and baling demonstration
- Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins: Five years of New York Hemp Production
- David Suchoff: Hemp Production Recommendations for Textile Fiber
Indoor Hemp Production
- Nirit Bernstein: The power of nutrient management for optimizing Cannabis yield quantity and quality
- Bruce Bugbee: Indoor hemp production
- Mark Bridgen: Propagation of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
Outdoor Hemp Production
- Heather Darby: Hemp from field to flower: Overcoming production challenges in hemp
- Jeff Kostuik: Outdoor Hemp Cultivation
- Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins: Five years of New York Hemp Production
- Ernst Cebert: Exploring Industrial Hemp to Identify Potential New Applications at Alabama A&M Univ.
- David Suchoff: Hemp Production Recommendations for Textile Fiber
- Babu Valliyodan: Climate Smart Hemp
Hemp Harvesting and Processing
- Wayne Swink: Need for Hemp Fiber Quality Analysis to Establish Markets
- Trey Riddle: Hemp Supply Chains and Processing
- Jamila La Malfa-Donaldson: Hemp Processing, Extraction and Testing
- Steven Philpott: Cannabis glandular trichome relevance to harvest
- Heather Grab: Hemp Processing Systems
- Jeff Kostuik: Outdoor Hemp Cultivation
- Alisia Ratliff: Cannabis extraction chemistry and facilities design
Pest and Disease, Soil and Weed Management
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Foliar Disease Management in Hemp
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Seed Treatments and Soil Pathogens in Hemp
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Weeds and Weed Management in Hemp
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Insect Pests of Hemp and Their Management
- Substrate testing for soilless hemp production
- Hemp weed management
- Hemp disease management: Root rots and damping off
- Hemp insect management
- Hemp high tunnel soil management
- Hemp disease management: Powdery mildew
- Hemp high tunnel biocontrol
- Nirit Bernstein: The power of nutrient management for optimizing Cannabis yield quantity and quality
- Patrick McMullen: Diseases of Hemp
- Kadie Britt: Arthropod pests of hemp
- Nicole Gauthier: Pathogens affecting hemp cultivation
Breeding and Genetics
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Molecular Breeding of Hemp
- Jacob Toth: Development & validation of high-throughput molecular markers in Cannabis sativa L.
- Daniela Vergara: Hemp Diversity and Genetics
- Jacob Toth: Elucidating the Genetic Control of Qualitative Traits in Hemp
- USDA-ARS Hemp Germplasm Collection
- USDA hemp genetics trial
- David R. Gang: Expanding the NPGS Collection and Supporting Hemp Industry Development
Regulation and Economics
- NY Industrial Hemp Summit: Opening Remarks
- NY Industrial Hemp Summit: Researching Hemp’s Potential in the State of New York (Panel)
- NY Industrial Hemp Summit: Interested in a Hemp Business? (Panel)
- NY Industrial Hemp Summit: hemp Regulations (Panel) and Closing Remarks
- NYS Joint legislative Hemp Forum
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Farm-Level Economics and Planting Intentions
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Hemp Supply Chain
- 2020 Cornell Hemp Field Day: Hemp: Risk and Reward
- Tyler Mark: Hemp Economics
- New York State Hemp Grower Licensing Program
- New York State Cannabinoid Hemp Program Update
- Growing Hemp in New York State: Risks and Economics